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Missing Textures or "Incorrect" Text on Main Menu and No Servers Listed

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If on the main menu textures such as the ones on the solider are missing and there are no servers listed in the server browser. Do the following (Fix 1)
  1. Go to the in game settings and set the texture pool to be unlimited
If this does not work, try Fix 2:
  1. Navigate to:\Users\[your name]\Documents\My Games.
  2. Delete the "Rising Storm 2" folder.
  3. Try playing the game now.

If your main menu displays no text, text that looks garbled, or like a string of code, or you are just not able to select one of the options in the menu when the game is launched, this is likely due to a a modified or corrupted localization file in the games user directory. To fix this issue:
  • Navigate to the Mydocuments/Mygames/Rising Storm 2/ROGame/Config Folder
  • Open ROEngine.INI and add:
  • Then save and launch Rising Storm 2

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